Mistakes that SV Worlds Beyond should avoid

Storm Over Rivayle, the beginning of the end for Shadowverse.

This post was originally titled “Reasons I stopped playing Shadowverse”, but I put off writing some parts for a long time and got busy with other things. Recently, there was the announcement of SV: Worlds Beyond, which is effectively Shadowverse 2. It will be a reboot of the game and will have a different ruleset, so everyone will start fresh. It was also announced that both the original SV and Worlds Beyond will continue to be developed. However it is pretty clear that the focus of the SV team’s resources in the future will be on Worlds Beyond, so this will be a slow sunsetting of the original SV.

So in light of this news I have decided to instead re-frame the post as a summary of some pitfalls that I hope the new SV will avoid, instead of making this a huge rant about why I stopped playing the game. The SV team has a lot of experience now between developing the original SV, making the Switch game Champion’s Battle, and even making the paper version of the game SV Evolve. So I hope they can learn from their mistakes and make Worlds Beyond the best game it can be.

About me, I started playing Shadowverse right when it released in the tail end of 2016. Worlds Beyond is set to come out in the middle of 2024, so that means the original SV will have lasted for about 8 years. The game had a pretty good run, and during the years I’ve played many card games; SV is the only one that has held my interest and it’s the one that I’ve been willing to keep up with. Things weren’t always perfect, but I feel like the direction of the game was overall fine… until 2020. Specifically, until the release of the Storm over Rivayle expansion in September 2020. In my opinion this expansion was the beginning of the end for SV, and was the starting point of many of the issues that make modern SV the mess that it is today.

I stopped playing SV at the start of 2023 with the release of the Azvaldt expansion. But even when not playing, I was still subscribed to some SV streamers so I was able to keep up with the state of the game. With this, I would say that SV went through 3 phases:

  • the classic era from the start to Omen of the Ten(2016 – 2018)
  • the 2nd era marked by leader effects and the blurring of lines between midrange and OTK decks. This was from Omen to Rivayle(2018 – 2020)
  • the bad Modern era from Rivayle and beyond(2020 – present)

While there were things from the 2nd era that bothered me, the game didn’t really start nosediving until the Modern era. So I would like to identify the key issues from Rivayle onwards that characterize modern SV.

It’s worth mentioning that we know the SV team works about 6 months in advance for releases. Since new expansions are released every 3 months, this means the team is always 2 expansions ahead. Going by this time reference, this means that Rivayle was likely the first expansion to be developed entirely during the COVID19 pandemic.

(Bad) shift in card design

In the Shadowverse and card game communities, there is a common term called “vanilla stats”. It indicates the full stats that a follower(creature) with no abilities should have. For example, in SV a 1 cost follower would be a 1/2(1 attack and 2 health), a 2 cost follower would be a 2/2, etc… If a follower had some kind of premium ability, it would have reduced stats. And in SV, it would sometimes not gain the full +2/+2 stats for evolving.

Example: Priest of the Cudgel was a Havencraft card commonly played in the first few SV metas. It has an evolve ability to banish an enemy follower with 3 health or less, which is effectively the Haven spell Blackened Scripture. Because of this evolve ability, it only gains +1/+1 when evolving. Similarly, Karyl was a Runecraft card that saw a lot of play when she was available in Rotation. She has a powerful Fanfare(on play) ability AND a powerful evolve ability. Since she’s a 6pp 4/6(when the vanilla statline for 6pp followers is 6/6), she takes a hit in stats AND only gets +1/+1 when evolving.

Priest of the Cudgel and Karyl, Catty Sorceress. Examples of the old SV design philosophy where followers with premium abilities would get a stat reduction.

In Rivayle this basic philosophy was thrown out of the window. We started off by getting fully statted followers with premium abilities on them, no conditions required. Now we get fully statted followers with upside after upside. Cards no longer have downsides, and it feels like every new follower is an opportunity for the developers to cram as many abilities as possible into them.

Just look at Georgius. This card has 3 premium abilities on it, and yet has full vanilla stats and full evolve stats. This kind of nonsense card design has infected all of modern SV.

Georgius. Why on Earth does this fully statted 4 drop have 3 abilities on it

Merging of finishers and removal

The most egregious example of bad modern SV card design lies in the finishers. Like the name implies, finishers are cards that are commonly used to end the game. In SV, finishers usually end the game by dealing a large amount of face damage to the enemy leader, and this is typically achieved with Storm or burn cards. Storm is SV’s version of the Magic keyword Haste, allowing followers to attack the turn they are played, while burn cards are usually spells that deal direct damage to the enemy leader.

As SV is a very Hearthstone inspired game, it does not give players the ability to respond during their opponent’s turn. Which means that you can’t “counter” cards the way you would in a game like MtG. So instead you counter them by playing proactively or by playing certain cards in anticipation of your opponent’s finisher. The way you are supposed to beat Storm cards is to play followers that have the Ward keyword on it, since that keyword forces enemy followers to target them before anyone else. Burn spells do not get stopped by wards, but they do not put any stats on board. So the way to beat burn cards is to create a big board. The burn player would love to throw all the burn spells at face, but doing that means conceding the board to the opponent. They might have to reconsider that if ignoring the opponent’s board could lead to a loss next turn from the backswing.

So finishers have their place, and there is nothing inherently wrong with them. The game is known for having big flashy finishers, and it’s kind of Shadowverse’s brand by now. Cards like Dimension Shift and Rhinoceroach were part of the Classic set after all.

The issue is that in modern SV, storm and burn cards all have removal stapled on to them. Since you can’t act on your opponent’s turn, this removes any semblance of counterplay that a game like SV could have. You can’t stop storm cards because all the stormers kill the board anyway. In some cases, putting up a board makes you take MORE damage. The burn player doesn’t need to worry about the consequences of ignoring the opponent’s board, because the burn spells conveniently delete the board at the same time. In old SV, players often had to make decisions on whether to push their gameplan(dealing face dmg) or to slow down and respond to the opponent’s board state. The modern cards do everything simultaneously so this there is no longer any decision making.

Vengeful Sniper, an example of a burn card that kills the board and Absolute Tolerance, an example of a storm card that kills the board.

Removal is unplayable

One of the consequences of all these followers having removal attached to them is that nobody plays actual removal spells anymore. As in, reactive cards that can only target the opponent’s cards. Other than SV, I’ve played a lot of card games over the years(Hearthstone, MtG, Eternal, LoR, etc…), and powercreep is one of those things that is inevitable. It happens to every CCG because card games often start with simple card designs to ease everyone in, and as the developers play around with the design space things will naturally become more complex over time. If this complexity goes unchecked, then you could get a Yu-Gi-Oh situation where all the cards have literal paragraphs of effect text.

So powercreep is inevitable, but is there a specific tipping point where it becomes excessive? A good litmus test I’ve seen is that in a specific meta, the powercreep has gone too far if removal is not being played. In modern SV, no one plays removal because it’s better to play proactive cards that have removal stapled on to them. This is worrying because out of all the CCGs I’ve played, Shadowverse easily has the best removal I have ever seen. For example, Fiery Embrace in old SV was traditionally one of the most complained about cards in the game. Because of its cost reduction effect, it was a removal spell that was very often played for 0 play points. And yet, the card has not seen any competitive play for the past 3 years. Similarly, Forest has a card called Feral Awakening, which is a 1pp spell that destroys a follower with 4 attack or less. Most followers up to 4pp have at most 4 attack, so this is effectively a 1 cost card that can kill anything that costs up to 4. It’s insane mana efficiency, and yet still this card doesn’t see any play.

Fiery Embrace and Feral Awakening. Don’t be fooled by the base 8 cost of Embrace, it’s usually played for 0 mana.

A literal 0 cost removal spell seems pretty broken in a vacuum, but in the context of modern SV it’s still a card that only does one thing. Even worse, it’s a pure reactive card, as it can only be played if there is an enemy follower on board. Why would anyone play Fiery Embrace(a card that does 1 thing) when cards like Wilbert, Luminous Paladin exist? Wilbert is a card that has Fiery Embrace stapled on to it, additionally creates a 3/5 Ward, a 1/2 Ward, and also activates a permanent face damage effect on the enemy leader for the rest of the game. This is where SV is right now.

Another consequence of all these modern cards just being fully statted followers with removal stapled on to them is that it pushes for all decks to have OTK(one turn kill) finishers. Now there is nothing inherently wrong with OTKs, but every single modern SV deck relies on big out-of-hand damage to win the game. Strategies that involve building a board and then leveraging a board advantage are not viable because all of the new cards just delete the board for free.

Drazael, Ravening Enforcer and Marwynn, Repose of Despair. Examples of how everything in modern SV is just removal on a stick.

Card games are more interesting when you make more decisions. These range from deckbuilding decisions to actual in-game decisions. Deckbuilding decisions can include struggling to fit in the right amount of proactive vs reactive cards. In-game decisions are self explanatory, but in the context of removal they can include situations like not using it early, saving it for a big tempo swing. There is also playing around removal: for example, it’s your turn and you have a 3/2, 3/5 and 2/3 and your opponent has a 3/3. Normally the correct play is to make the value trade with your 3/5, but if you know your opponent’s deck has a 3 dmg AOE card, it can sometimes be worth making the suicide trade of the 3/2 into the 3/3 so that your board survives the potential AOE. You saw these kinds of plays all the time in old SV, sometimes involving people pre-evolving followers to play around common removals and AOE. But the way the game is now, all of the proactive cards have blow up the board for free so there is no longer any decision making.

Loss of class identity

One of SV’s biggest strengths over other card games was in its class identities. All 8 of the Shadowverse classes are very unique and this really plays into the whole class fantasy too. This is reflected both visually and in the game mechanics. For example, Shadowcraft has a lot of skeletons, zombies, and ghosts. It really feels like you are playing a necromancer, with the class mechanics where you sacrifice followers and bring them back from the dead. Rune has a lot of witches and sorcerers, and this is reflected in its class mechanics which includes a lot of spell synergy.

Classes also had well set strengths and weaknesses. Because of its spell synergy nature, Rune had weaker followers but the most efficient card draw. Haven was the cleric class and Blood was for vampires, so efficient healing was reserved for these two. Sword had the best quality followers but weak card draw, Dragon was the late game class so it gets big Stormers, etc…

Thankfully, the solid visual design of the SV class cards has remained untarnished over the years. But mechanically, everything has gone downhill. Classes can do literally everything now. Everyone gets efficient draw, healing, stormers, you name it. It is important for classes to have well defined strengths and weaknesses, and this is no longer the case in modern SV. The class identities have been blurred and there are only strengths, no weaknesses.

Anne & Grea, Royal Duo and their associated token spell. Here’s a fun game, let’s count how many Rune class identity breaks are in this one card!

Quest decks

The term come from Hearthstone, where quests were special spells that were guaranteed to be in your opening hand. The quest would grant some kind of powerful, but conditional reward as it required its player to complete a list of tasks. So decks would be built around these legendary quests. When they were first released in Hearthstone’s Ungoro expansion, I remember them being poorly received due to the lack of counterplay and in how one-dimensional these decks were. Imagine my surprise when Quests were brought back for the Saviors of Uldum expansion. Imagine my surprise yet again when Cygames decided it was a good idea to bring them over to Shadowverse.

To Shadowverse’s credit, quests aren’t an actual mechanic like they are in HS. But in modern SV, the vast majority of competitive decks play identically to quest decks. Every single deck has a list of tasks to complete, and once this is done their win condition becomes online. Last Words Shadow wants to hit 10 Last Words followers destroyed as quickly as possible. Wrath Blood wants to hit itself 7 times. Evolve decks want to hit 5 or 7 evolves as quickly as possible, etc…

Bloodlust Demon and Frenzied Corpsmaster. Showcasing Evolve and Rally, the original quest decks.

Just like HS, there is no real way of stopping or slowing down your opponent’s quest progress. The quest rewards are quite powerful, so gameplay devolves to both players racing to complete their quest first.

E-Sports and casual play

So this part is not related to gameplay at all. Shadowverse originally came out in late 2016, at the peak of popularity for digital card games. Hearthstone was consistently a top 10 viewed category on Twitch and there were tons of new digital CCGs coming out. In the current year 2024 digital card games have declined considerably; they still get played a lot, but the casual viewership doesn’t even come close to how it was 8 years ago.

If you were around back then, you’d know that there were talks of the game possibly becoming as big as Hearthstone. That obviously didn’t happen, and maybe one reason was Cygames fumbling by releasing two bad expansions in a row(Tempest of the Gods and Wonderland Dreams) during the time period when SV had a lot of eyes on it. But I think a bigger reason is in how the game was marketed. In the West, SV is marketed as this serious competitive E-Sports ready card game, and I feel that is a huge misstep on Cygames’ part. Competitive communities need to be grown and not forced, and there needs to be interest in the first place. In Shadowverse(and card games, and likely games in general), the vast majority of people are not interested in playing competitively. Most people play casually and collect cards at their own pace.

There’s a disconnect between how the game is marketed in the West vs how most people play the game, so I do hope that Cygames re-evaluates their strategy here for Worlds Beyond. Over the years Cygames sponsored a lot of content creators to do streams: seeing them just do a 1-off stream and then never play the game again was not a very good look in my opinion. Maybe it would be better to sponsor the people who actually stream SV consistently. In the West I also think it would be better if the game was marketed as a fun and casual card game, and then the competitive community could slowly grow, build interest, and go from there. But then what about game modes for casual players who don’t want to play Constructed? Take Two and Open Six are pretty good, but I feel like there needs to be something else. Some of the most fun I have ever had in card games is on the release day of a new set, where you and your friends crack open packs and build whatever decks you can make from the cards you open. That kitchen table experience just doesn’t happen in SV.

To be fair, what I’m describing isn’t just an SV problem: it’s an issue that all digital card games have, and I feel like none of them have been able to properly address it. I don’t really know what the answer is to this issue, as I can all I can do is identify that there is a problem. Maybe more events and temporary play modes, like Pauper and Artisan from Magic the Gathering Arena. I wanted to point this out because card games are quite niche, and there is another equally niche community I was a part of: fighting games. Recently I have seen that fighting games, spearheaded by Street Fighter VI, were able to make great strides in broadening their appeal to casual and competitive players alike. So I would like to see a similar thing happen to card games, and it would be pretty cool if Shadowverse Worlds Beyond were the one to lead this charge.


So yeah, the biggest issue is the trend Rivayle started of making fully statted followers with premium abilities stapled on to them, particularly removal. This snowballed into a whole slew of issues that have plagued modern SV and brought the game to the state it is in today. If Worlds Beyond can avoid treading this path, then the game should have a bright future.

To end on a positive note, even though card design and balance have been a dumpster fire in modern SV, Cygames has done some amazing work in the other parts of the game. Shadowverse is the digital card game that has the best QoL(quality of life) features, bar none. Replays, a tournament client that can see both player’s hands, the ability to quickly generate a code to copy/paste decklists from the game and the Shadowverse Portal website, being able to play different formats(especially draft) in private matches, the list just goes on. The game and client are also incredibly well optimized. My old 11+ year old laptop running Windows 7 that couldn’t even emulate PSX games at full speed had no issues running SV. Similarly, I had a very old budget LG phone for the longest time that couldn’t even play games like Mahjong Soul… but SV was buttery smooth. Bugs are also identified very quickly and squashed.

One reason SV and Cygames products in general tend to be so well optimized is because they are mobile games first, and the Japanese smartphone industry is fairly behind in comparison to the rest of the world. So they probably spend a lot of time and resources making sure that their games can run on weaker devices. I do hope this philosophy continues in Worlds Beyond so that the game does not require a top-of-the-line device to run properly.

Finding the ideal budget TWS

2023 was the year of the rabbit hole for me, as I ended up doing research on a variety of topics due to helping out friends and family with personal and tech issues. One of these rabbit holes that I ended up falling into was the wireless earbud(TWS) one, which eventually led into the more general rabbit hole of portable audio. I was really late to jump on this train, as everyone was on it when Apple AirPods were first released years ago.

I finally decided to get wireless earbuds for the first time at the end of last year(2022) during Black Friday. AirPods are easily the most popular choice for most people, but I decided against Apple for a number of reasons. The first is that I’m an Android user, and it’s widely known that many of the AirPod features don’t work on non-Apple devices.

I’m not new to using Apple products, as I have to (begrudgingly) use a MacBook for work and did have an iPod during my college days. While the iPod was good, I definitely remember how much I hated iTunes and how it was required to use that program to get music from the computer to the device. I also remember how annoying it was to get things fixed back whenever the iPod had issues. It just seemed like Apple was more interested in getting me to buy a completely new device instead of repairing it.

So even back then, I could already tell that using an Apple product when you weren’t already in the Apple ecosystem was going to be annoying. This is probably intentional. The whole idea of planned obsolescence never sat right with me too. And then of course, there’s the pricing. It really feels like they can get away with slapping higher prices on all of their products because of brand loyalty.

The last thing is that wireless earbuds are designed to be disposable products. They have most of the same components of a wired earphone, but due to being wireless they have an added bluetooth adapter and battery. That is a lot of tech to be cramming into a tiny earbud. The lithium ion battery is the biggest issue here, because it’s so compact which gives it a limited lifespan. On average they will last about 2-3 years, and once they die they are not repairable. It feels really silly to pay top dollar for a product that you know will not last.

So my philosophy for getting these is aim for something that is low cost, good quality, and will be reliable enough to last until the battery inevitably dies. I also feel that wireless earbuds should never be bought at full cost(since they are disposable products), and this isn’t so bad since they go on sale very often.

Tozo T6

Retail price is $40, but will often go on sale for around $25

Tozo T6 with a grand total of 6(!) different sized eartips, from XXS to XL.

These are my first! As mentioned earlier, I got these in 2022 during Black Friday. I picked these after reading a lot of reviews and doing some research, and seeing that Tozo products are some of the most popular on Amazon. The Tozo T10 is straight up the most popular set of earbuds on Amazon right after the Apple AirPods. I opted to go for the T6 model instead, after reading that these had the most compact and lightweight design out of their catalog. Tozo is an interesting company: looking at the broken English that was in the T6 instruction manual and seeing the big “Made in China” printed on the box, I thought they were a Chinese company… but apparently they’re actually based in Seattle, Washington. The T6 is a very old set of earbuds, as it’s already at least 4 years old at the time of this writing. But it was popular enough to get an updated version in 2022(bluetooth upgrade which improves battery life) and yet another update in 2023 with a new ergonomic design and added app support.

I got the 2022 version. These are honestly pretty barebones. But I feel like that works in the T6’s favor: it’s so basic, but that means it is clearly designed to work out of the box, no questions asked and no app needed. Missing most of the bells and whistles that the higher end earbuds have, but that’s ok because it does exactly what it needs to do.

That means these were pretty much perfect for my 1st set of wired earbuds. Just extremely simple and effective with a lightweight form factor and the most compact case I’ve seen. I’m not an audiophile at all, but I like the sound quality: it does have a boosted bass profile which is very common in cheaper buds, but it’s not excessive. The touch controls have just the right amount of sensitivity. The buds also have no ANC(active noise cancelling), but it is largely unnecessary because they have a deep fit(providing good passive isolation).

Honestly I would have been happy using these forever. The Tozo T6 had that combination I was looking for of being affordable, lightweight, reliable, and having good enough sound quality. But there was just one issue: comfort. The shape of the T6 makes it so that you need a deep fit to get a proper seal. Unfortunately that was uncomfortable for me, and I also started to get itchy and irritated ears every time I used them. Fit is one of those super subjective things, because everybody has different shaped ears. What is comfortable for one person can be the complete opposite for someone else.

So fast forward 1 year, and I start thinking about getting new earbuds to address the comfort issue. Black Friday rolls around again in 2023 and I notice that an audiophile company has recently released a budget TWS set.

Moondrop Space Travel

Retail price is $25, but will often go on sale for around $22

Moondrop Space Travel with 4 different sized eartips. Note that even if the charging case is inside the leather container, the sides are still exposed.

The Space Travel is unbelievable: it is the cheapest set of wireless earbuds I’ve ever bought, but at the same time it’s probably the best sounding. It does makes sense that it sounds way better than its price point suggests though, because Moondrop is a Chinese company that primarily markets their products toward audiophiles. The Moondrop Chu is frequently recommended as a beginner/budget wired IEM(in ear monitor), and the Blessing3 and Variations are very highly regarded in the audiophile circle.

Anyways I got the Space Travel because they have a lot of features(like active noise cancelling and a game mode that reduces latency) and I thought the visual design was clever. It also has a stem design which I was interested in trying out. True to its name, the case is modeled after a space shuttle which is really cute. Unfortunately even though the charging case looks really cool, it does not have a lid or side covers. I even got the extra carrying case, and with it on the sides are still not covered, which means that dust and lint will eventually get in if you carry these in your pockets. The overall case is one of those things that is really nice to display, but annoying to have to take out. It was also the bulkiest case out of all the TWS that I purchased.

The sound quality of the Space Travel is really something else though. It’s really balanced and clear, with a great degree of instrument separation. The noise cancelling mode works but is not top of the line, but I feel it’s acceptable considering the price point.

One quirk is that the voice prompts in the Space Travel are done by Japanese voice actress Mitsuki Yuki. You get to hear her say “Shhh~” when switching to noise cancelling mode, and you can hear “Hey!” when switching to transparency mode. It’s pretty cute and fits in with Moondrop’s brand of putting anime girls on their box art.

Unfortunately I had to go shopping again, because the Space Travel had the same subjective problem that the Tozo T6 did: comfort. I could not get a good, comfortable fit with these. I even messed around with all of the eartips that were provided! I had a good experience using them though and being down $22 wasn’t a big deal, so I ended up giving them away as a gift to my mom.

At this point I was convinced that my issue was with devices that use silicone eartips, which led to my next purchase.

SoundPEATS Air 3 Deluxe HS

Retail price is $60, but will often go on sale for $40

SoundPEATS Air 3 Deluxe HS. Charging case has a nice glossy finish, which unfortunately makes it a fingerprint magnet. Not pictured is a USB-C to USB-A charging cable

Hoo boy, where to begin with these. My experience using these was like a rollercoaster: I remember being completely blown away on the first day and thinking that I had found my perfect TWS set. Then over time I started to notice all of the issues.

I was sure that the answer to my problems was a TWS that were were not in-ear style and did not use silicone eartips. I would need something that was half in-ear, like the Apple AirPods. So I did some searching for AirPods alternatives and half in-ears, and the Air 3 Deluxe HS(along with the newer Air 4) kept popping up. SoundPEATS is a Chinese company that primarily makes wireless audio products, and they seem to have a decent reputation so I opted to try these out. I went with the older Air 3 instead of the Air 4 because I heard that the Air 4 was slightly bigger, and I really wanted these earpieces to be as compact as possible.

Since these don’t have eartips, they don’t form a seal since they sit on the very entrance of the ear. So I was very impressed at how great they sounded despite that. They felt super comfortable and didn’t plug up the ears or exert any pressure, which was something that the previous two sets did. I was in love with these the first day and thought that I had finally found my budget endgame. These have a pretty ridiculous name, and it’s because they are a 2nd revision! Originally there was the Air 3, which was popular enough to get an updated version called the Air 3 Deluxe(which added app support), and then finally the Air 3 Deluxe HS which added hi-res audio. Specifically, they support the Android exclusive LDAC codec. Unfortunately LDAC is kind of wasted on me since I primarily use mp3s and Youtube Music for listening. With a bitrate of 990 kbps, LDAC is the audiophile codec meant for lossless audio, heard in flac files and in streaming services like Qobuz/Tidal/Apple Music. The free tiers of Youtube Music and Spotify max out at 128kbps and 160kbps respectively, for reference. Turning on LDAC also eats up the battery, so I ended up never using this feature.

But yeah after this incredible first impression, the problems started popping up. The first one popped up fairly quickly: the touch sensitivity. The touch controls of the Air 3 Deluxe HS are hypersensitive. Instead of having a designated touch panel, the entire bud and upper portion of the stem are sensitive to touch. Because of this, it feels almost impossible to avoid triggering the touch controls when putting on/removing the earbuds. I noticed this issue the first day, but thought that the problem was caused by me being new to the product, and that it would get better over time. But it didn’t and if anything the problem got worse.

The Air 3 Deluxe HS was also the first earbuds I got that had in-ear detection, where it automatically turns off if the device is taken out of the ear. Just like the touch controls, this feature was also way too sensitive. Sometimes just opening my mouth or turning my head would pause the music.

I got super annoyed at this oversensitivity, so I went and downloaded the SoundPEATS app since I read that it could customize these features. The app has a nearly 1 star average rating on the Play Store which is pretty alarming, and after investigating it’s likely because the app requires turning on location services. Yikes. This is the first app that allowed a full custom equalizer, which is a huge plus. It also allowed me to turn off the in-ear detection. However I noticed that I could not customize the touch controls. Even worse, I had read online that the app is supposed to let you at least turn off the single-tap while keeping the double-tap and long press. Well there must have some update, because on my app I only have the option of leaving them on or turning off the touch controls completely. False advertising?

Settings in the SoundPEATS Android app. As you can see, the touch controls can only be turned on/off with no customization even though the app is advertised as being able to turn off the single tap function.

This problem became worse once I started taking the Air 3 outside. They have a loose fit which is nice for comfort, but they did not stay in the ears at all. I had them falling out even when going for a light walk around the neighborhood. So I would have to constantly re-adjust the Air 3, which would then trigger the touch controls. They also don’t any passive isolation at all since they’re not in-ears, so if I went anywhere remotely noisy like a cafe or restaurant, I wouldn’t be able to properly hear the music unless I really cranked up the volume.

It got to the point where the only way I could enjoy the Air 3 was to only listen to them at home in a quiet room, with the touch controls turned off. At that point I might as well use wired headphones or IEMS, since the main purpose of wireless is to make it more convenient to use outside.

I was pretty discouraged at this point, although I did get a decent deal on the Air 3(it was still Black Friday week so I got them for around $36). So it could have been worse. I still think the sound quality on these is really impressive, but there were too many usability issues. Luckily, my savior was arriving with the next purchase.

Anker Soundcore Life A3i

Retail price is $50, but will often go on sale for $35. These are also sold under the name “Life Dot 3i” at Walmart. Not really sure why there are 2 different names but they are the exact same product.

Anker Soundcore Life A3i, the budget and comfort god. Earbuds have an ergonomic, bean-like shape. Only 3 different sized eartips unfortunately.

I went back to the drawing board and did a search for earbuds again, this time adding in the words “comfortable” and “compact”. The Life A3i and the Space A40, both by Anker Soundcore popped up a lot. I was already familiar with the Anker brand since I use some of their charging accessories. For some reason I had always thought that Anker was a European company, but they are actually from China. At this point it was way past Black Friday, but it was Christmas season so there was a sale on both of these. I went with the Life A3i because I read that it had a slightly better battery life.

Completely blown away. Unlike the Air 3, the Soundcore app is EXCELLENT and actually does what it’s supposed to do. You get a lot of EQ presets along with the option to fully customize the equalizer. The active noise cancelling works well and is more effective than that of the Space Travel(though that should be expected given the price difference). The default Soundcore EQ profile of the A3i is actually not great, but that can be fixed very quickly by switching to the much better “Acoustic” EQ profile or just making your own custom EQ. Instead of touch controls, the A3i instead has clicky side buttons. It was a little weird at first, but after adjusting I greatly prefer it since I no longer have to worry about accidentally triggering touch controls. The app also allows full customization of the button controls including the single tap, double tap, and long press.

Most importantly, these are comfortable! They do have silicone eartips, but they have a shallow fit instead of the deep fit that I experienced from the Tozo T6. I have found that I prefer the shallow fit over the deep one since I don’t have to feel too much pressure from the earbuds plugging up the ears. The A3i has an ergonomic shape that fits the contour of my ears. They also do not make my ears itchy. Even with the shallow fit, these have no problems staying in my ears and they also have good passive isolation. If I really wanted to, I could wear these all day which is something that I definitely could not do with my previous earbuds.


And that’s the end of my journey! I’m really happy with the A3i and it has become my daily driver. Part of me is still curious about how the Space A40 sounds but I’ll maybe look into it later if these ever break down.

It does suck that I had to buy 4 different earphones before I finally got my ideal set, but that’s what happens when there are no brick and mortar stores that carry these around anymore. It would be really nice to test these out in person before buying them. And to think that this all started because the first set gave me itchy, irritated ears. One thing I learned from this is comfort trumps all when it comes to selecting your daily driver. If I was judging based on sound quality the Moondrop Space Travel would be the clear winner. But when it comes to comfort the Life A3i is the best here. I’m still impressed by how good of a starter set the Tozo T6 was though. Even though I don’t use it anymore, there are still a few things that I miss about it. I think the T6 had the best implementation of touch controls, and I love how lightweight it was. It had the most compact case too. I really appreciate the simplicity.

Writing again!

It is currently the end of 2023, and one of my New Year’s resolutions is to start writing again. It has been a long break, and one of the reasons I stopped updating this blog is because I’ve been streaming! That and working full time again.

Before I start making new posts, I plan on changing the theme. I love the Panel theme I’m using, but I’ve never liked the infinite scroll on the main page. WordPress has also changed a lot over the years and I felt like this blog could use a change too. The new theme that will soon take over is called Nucleare. After changing the theme, I don’t know if I’ll be able to revert it back to exactly how it used to be so here’s a screenshot of the blog with the old Panel theme.

This blog circa 2023

Decks I am playing in WU meta

Nerea, Beast Empress by Tsune-kun
Nerea, Beast Empress by Tsune-kun

World Uprooted has been out for a month already and the mini expansion is well on its way, so I wanted to write about the decks that I am using in this Rotation meta. WU is weird: the meta is quite diverse in terms of decks and classes represented, but the gameplay experience is quite a bit worse than the previous expansion(which was excellent). I think part of it has to do with how prevalent Natur Al’machinus is, a Neutral card that enables cost reduced boards which is one of the most hated mechanics in the game. The other is that the current Tier 1 decks of the meta(Natura Dragon, Machina Blood, Natura Riley Rune) are extremely linear decks with noninteractive finishers. With that said, I am still having fun playing this meta since there are quite a few enjoyable decks that are not Tier 1.

Also due to the COVID19 lockdown, I now have way more free time so I have started streaming again! Mostly streaming Shadowverse and finally going through my backlog of visual novels.

Spellboost Shikigami Rune
This is a Spellboost based tempo deck that was made possible in the previous expansion Ultimate Colosseum with the various Shikigami cards. The main play pattern with this deck is to have a slow start just playing cheap spells to cycle through your deck and to control the board. Then at some point(ideally Turn 5), you make a huge tempo push with cost reduced Shikigami followers. The win condition is board based and it is rare to run out of steam due to the unrivaled card draw ability of Rune.

This deck is super fun, although it is not my favorite version of Spellboost(that would go to Solomon Raio and Spellburn from post mini Steel Rebellion and Rebirth of Glory). New additions from this expansion include Daria, Infinity Witch and Sorcery in Solidarity which both give the deck more draw power than before. Mystic Absorption is a card that comes and goes in list. The spell is actually pretty bad in a vacuum, as 3pp to remove a 2 health or less follower is below rate. However you do draw a card off it and there are quite a good targets in the current meta like Desert Pathfinder and Armored Bat.

Compared to the previous UC version of Shikigami Rune, the deck has much less reach with the rotation of Zealot of Truth. Twinblade Blade is not even half the card that Zealot was, so the deck is much more board based now. Because of this, a card like Mysterian Project that was often a 2-3 of in the old lists is now usually dropped completely because it went from having 2 good targets(Zealot and Kuon) to just one. So the deck has definitely gotten weaker, but I personally have a lot more fun playing the new version of it since the original deck sometimes had these dumb games where you just copied Zealot over and over.

Earth Rite Rune

My pet deck pretty much. Earth Rite in previous expansions was quickly becoming a wallet deck with tons of auto-include legendaries(many of which were from mini expansions, which are harder to open on average), so one of the most pleasant surprises from World Uprooted is in all of the great Earth Rite support at Bronze and Silver rarity. Earth Sorceress provides the deck the final bit of draw consistency it needed, Vergewalker Magician is one of the best Rune 2 drops ever printed, and Aethereal Golem is just a better version of Red-Hot Ritual/Witch Snap. And of course getting an actual 0 cost Earth Sigil is nothing short of amazing.

Unfortunately even with all of these great cards, Earth Rite is still very weak in the current meta. World Uprooted introduced a ton of strong defensive cards for several classes. In addition pretty much every deck in the meta(other than Spellboost Rune) plays healing cards which is bad news for Earth Rite. The deck is way more playable than it was last expansion but the meta has shifted in an extremely unfavorable direction for it.

The win condition of this deck is burn based. You would think that makes this an aggressive deck, but Earth Rite has a surprisingly awkward curve. In addition its follower quality is below par so it will often be playing from behind, which makes saving Vergewalker Magician for your evo turns is very important. The primary way to win is to setup big 4 sigil Magisa turns combined with the burn from Veridic Rituals. If the game goes on to Turn 8 and beyond, then Forbidden Darkmage gives you the final bit of burst damage to win the game.

I had a very memorable game playing as Dirt against the #2 ranked player(using Machina Blood) on ladder a while ago that I uploaded on my Youtube right here.

Avarice Natura Blood

One of the biggest surprises from World Uprooted is in this deck’s rise to prominence. Natura Blood has existed since Verdant Conflict, and while the deck was quite fun it was never good. Nerea is an amazing addition and quite possibly the best 6 drop in the game, but even I had doubts that she alone would have made this competitive. It turns out the answer was to shift the playstyle of this deck. Natura Avarice Blood has traditionally been a slow, grindy control deck but with Nerea alongside new cards like Vampiric Bloodbinder, Hellspear Warrior, and Garnet Waltz, it can now play as an aggressive midrange deck.

This is quite possibly the only competitive deck in Rotation that does not involve playing cost reduced followers in some way. This is a midrange deck, so it has a strong curve of followers with decent answers to everything. The deck wins through a combination of the board and the unrivaled reach of the Bloodcraft class. The new card Garnet Waltz pretty much allows Blood to have 6 copies of Lightning Strike, and it even has an upside in Vengeance. Many of the follower cards in this deck replace themselves, so it’s pretty rare to run out of steam.

For new players, this is definitely the deck that I would recommend the most. It is a very interactive deck with a decent skill ceiling, that also happens to be a great embodiment of what the Bloodcraft class is about. It’s true that decks like Machina Blood and Natura Dragon are stronger, but those decks are super brainless and don’t really help people improve. A bonus is that many of the cards used in this deck are also part of Unlimited Jormungand Blood, which is one of the best decks in that format right now.

Elana Machina Haven
Elana Haven is another classic deck from Shadowverse’s history. This new variant of the deck is the most radically different version of it, as it leans much more into the Machina side of things. Because of this, certain cards that used to be considered staples of the archetype are now gone like Golden Bell, Zoe, and Tender Rabbit Healer. The main gameplan of the archetype is still the same: generate huge boards through healing synergy. The difference is that now the key cards that assist in this gameplan are Natur Al’machinus, Limonia, and the new Robowhip Reverend. Elana is just a Plan B now, so some people even cut her down to 2 copies in this deck.

The deck is really hard and requires super high APM, especially once Limonia’s leader effect is active. Vice’s passive effect of giving rush to other Machina followers also eats up lots of time, so it is recommended to play this deck with battle animations turned off. I also made a deck video guide on Elana Machina Haven on my Youtube.

Modesty Artifact Portal
Easily my favorite new deck from this expansion. Artifact Portal is an old archetype that has almost always revolved around Acceleratium combined with 1 cost Artifacts to control the board. Absolute Modesty was a card printed during Verdant Conflict that encouraged a different playstyle of Artifact, where instead of focusing on the 1 cost artifacts(Analyzings and Ancients) you tried to play as many different ones as possible. This new variant never quite took off until this expansion. WU printed a bunch of cards that generate Paradigm Shifts, which are 7 cost spells that get cost reduced every time an Artifact dies. The spells allow you to summon your choice of 3 completely new Artifacts.

The new Artifact Portal is one of the premier midrange decks of the format. Almost every midrange deck of the past has contained a “Doctor 7”, or 7pp power card that created a big board and usually had an immediate impact by giving some followers Rush, like Demonlord Eachtar and Arthur. It is important for 7pp cards to be this strong because Turn 7 is usually when both players are out of evolution points. For Artifact, that 7pp card is Artifact Duplicator. Duplicator has existed since Rebirth of Glory, but has never been a playable card because it was really hard to consistently have 4 different artifacts destroyed by Turn 7. With the Paradigm Shift generators combined with the new spell Rebel Against Fate(which summons an Analyzing and a Mystic), it is now fairly trivial to meet that requirement.

The other big shift in the archetype’s playstyle is in how artifacts are even generated. The old lists tended to interact with resonance more, as you usually played certain cards that shuffled artifacts into your deck. You then had to draw them out of your deck using artifact searching cards, and then had to play them after. Because this process required a few steps, you would often fall behind on board so you were heavily reliant on using 1pp artifacts and giving them rush with Acceleratium to control the board. With the new Artifact lists, you just summon Artifacts directly, no questions asked. Because of this, Cygames has somehow achieved the impossible and created a competitive artifact deck that does not need Acceleratium at all.

It’s a pretty interesting shift in the archetype’s playstyle, although I will admit it makes the deck play more like a generic midrange list like most Sword decks of the past. One awkward thing about this deck is Absolute Modesty: her leader effect is extremely crucial in winning certain matchups, and combining her with a Turn 9 Vertex Colony is backbreaking for a lot of decks. However since the new deck does not play any artifact shufflers at all, her Accelerate now becomes completely useless. So every Modesty you draw after the 1st copy is a dead card. It feels bad to draw dead cards, but at the same time Modesty is so important to this deck that you need to run 3 copies to consistently find it every game.

SV decks I am playing in VC meta

Shion by Hisakata Soji
Shion by Hisakata Soji

Been a while since I have made one of these posts. I wanted to write about the decks that I am using in the Shadowverse Verdant Conflict meta. The VC meta is quite divisive, as many people hate it due to the faster pace and high amount of noninteractive cards. But honestly, I am a pretty selfish person. No matter how bad a meta is, if I can find at least one deck that I enjoy playing, then I will have fun playing it. This was the case with Wonderland Dreams which is widely considered to be the worst meta in SV history. But I still had a lot of fun playing during WD because it was the first time that Earth Rite Rune was viable, so I just played that deck. Similarly, there are a lot of things about the Verdant Conflict meta that annoy me but I have a few decks that I still enjoy playing so it is no problem.

Natura Midrange Forest
Easily my #1 favorite new deck from this expansion. This deck is amazing and has everything I want from a Midrange deck. Decent card draw, many different lines of play every turn, and opportunities of making some huge power plays. Best of all, it actually feels like a Forest deck which is something that Rotation has been lacking recently. The main class mechanic, playing multiple cards a turn, is how this deck makes those power spike turns in the mid to late game.

This deck went through a lot of changes and iterations since the beginning. One of the biggest challenges was in Airbound Barrage. It might seem weird to not see this card here, because Airbound is probably one of the most broken Forest cards ever printed. And I thought it should be 3x autoinclude in every deck. But between May Eager Elf and Avatar of Fruition, the deck has enough spot removal. There are also not that many great fanfares that are worth reusing in this deck.

Another big change was in May, Eager Elf. She was printed in the last expansion Rebirth of Glory and was widely considered to be a semi meme card. It seemed way too hard to consistently proc her Invocation effect when needed, and the other issue was in playing 4 cards a turn without board locking yourself. Well it turns out that Natura Forest is the perfect deck for her, because Respite and Fertile Aether provide virtual 0 cost cards that can be used to combo without actually taking up board space.

Earth Rite Rune
Rune is the worst class by far in the Rotation meta, and out of all the decks it has Earth Rite is probably the best performing one. Unfortunately I do not enjoy this deck nearly as much as Spellburn(the hybrid Spellboost/Earth Rite) from the last expansion, but I still have to play it since Rune is my main class. The reprint of Silent Laboratory from VC is extremely welcome, but this deck still has consistency issues in the early game. The new card Passionate Potioner is a solid 3 drop that can be used to copy key Earth Sigils, so it is now easier to set up those juicy 4 sigil Magisa plays.

Natura Control Blood
My other favorite new deck from Verdant Conflict, though it is definitely #2 compared to Natura Forest. Popularly called REN Blood by the Japanese community because of their names for the class mechanic(Revenge Evolve Natura), similar to REM Blood(Revenge Evolve Machina) from the previous expansion. Like the name implies, this is a Control deck that mixes cards from three different archetypes: Natura, Evolve, and Vengeance. I would say it is primarily a Vengeance/Evolve deck that adds in Natura cards for draw consistency. Many of the best Vengeance cards naturally have good evolve synergies(Yurius, Destructive Succubus) so it is easy to fit in cards like Zeus and Jafhnar/Hnikar. The Natura side of the deck provides extra draw since the trees are basically Neutral Insights, and Cradle of Dark Divinity provides a free evolve which feeds into the evo synergies of the deck.

The deck is a blast to play because it actually feels like a Blood deck, where you use your life as a resource. That was one of my main complaints about the previous expansion, because Machina Blood did not feel like a Blood deck at all. It actually felt more like a Shadow deck since its main win condition(Mono) and board clear(accel Technolord) scaled based on the number of dead Machina followers. Unfortunately this deck is pretty weak to decks that have a lot of incremental burn, like Earth Rite Rune and Thoth Natura Shadow. In other matchups though, Blood has the best Control tools in the format. The class has the best damage mitigation tool available in Azazel leader effect, and a multitude of healing effects including Cradle of Dark Divinity. While this is a Control deck, the main gameplan of the deck is to just survive and fight the opponent on board using busted Vengeance cards in the mid to late game. At some point, it transitions to a slow burn plan through the Destructive Succubus and the Turn10 effect of Lunatic Aether.

Artifact Portal with Maisha
Artifact Portal is a long time favorite of mine, and the archetype was struggling in the early meta for VC but has seen a resurgence recently with the mini expansion and a buff to a certain legendary. The key reason is Absolute Modesty, which is probably one of the most blatantly pushed cards that Cygames has ever made. The card functions as a 1pp removal when accelerated, which scales based on the number of artifacts in your deck. It gives you a leader effect on evolve which helps clear the board, and deal face damage instead if the enemy board is already clear. And then it even has an enhance effect which gives it free evo and cost reduces all artifacts in hand by 1. Just a card that is good at every stage of the game. The evolve effect of Absolute Modesty encourages the deck to run many different types of Artifacts, but it is hard to say whether it is worth building around that or not. In this variant of the deck, we ignore the evo effect and run a pretty typical Artifact deck with Modesty as an added bonus.

The strength of Artifact Portal is that it is the king of board control, and so the gameplan of this deck is to keep the opponent board clear by creating artifacts, and then giving them Rush with Acceleratium for efficient board plays every turn. The deck then has two main win conditions. One is to save an evolve for Maisha and then use the Purgation Blade on herself, which will deal 20 damage or more as long as you have enough friendly followers destroyed in the game. This normally requires you to wait until Turn 10, but it is possible to get Maisha lethals earlier helped by the pp refund from playing 1pp artifacts(Analyzings and Ancients) with an active Acceleratium and Augmentation Bestowal. The enhance effect of Absolute Modesty also helps with this gameplan, since it cost reduces all artifacts in hand by 1. The other win condition is to create a huge board early with the help of a recently buffed card: Shion, Mercurial Aegis. Her cost was lowered from 9 to 8, and her accelerate was buffed from 5pp to 3pp, so in some matchups Artifact can try to win by creating an unanswerable board. Since Shion now costs 8, she is also not a dead card late in the game as her protection effect is very relevant against many decks in the meta.

Artifact Portal with Ines
A different build of Artifact Portal. Maisha lethal setups do not happen that often anymore in this fast meta, so this build plays more into the Absolute Modesty leader effect. We generate at the very minimum 4 different artifacts between Analyzing, Ancient, Guardform, and Strikeform. We can still try to win by creating unanswerable boards with early Artifacts combined with Shion accelerate. And now instead of Maisha we have Ines, who is hard for many decks to interact with and can run away with the game. Half of the cards in our deck cycle, so toggling Resonance on and off for her AOE burn effect is trivial.

As you can see, I am a huge fan of running the 12 Machina package(Mechagun Wielder, Hoverboard Mercenary, Displacer Bot, Magna Giant). At the very minimum 9 machinas are required, since Displacer Bot is probably the most important card in the entire deck. Hoverboard is not 100% necessary, but I like running her because it increases the chances that a Magna Giant played for full cost later in the game will actually do enough damage clear the board.